A client in New Britain Superior Court got into an argument with his girlfriend, and she called the police alleging he grabbed her. He was charged with Disorderly Conduct (53a-182) and Assault in the Third Degree (“Assault 3”) (53a-61).
The client was on probation in federal court, and this charge triggered the Federal Assistant State’s Attorney to attempt have him sent back to prison. Assault 3 is a Class A misdemeanor, which meant that the client could have been sentenced to up to twelve months incarceration.
After discussing the facts with the client, it was clear that the ex-girlfriend had made the accusations up because she was mad at him and wanted revenge. He sent me text messages from the her showing that she was harassing him after the argument, and also a photo of her car outside his place of work, with a time and date stamp after she had called the police.
I was able to convince the State’s Attorney that the ex-girlfriend had fabricated the allegations (or at least instilled enough doubt that she might have), and the charges were dropped (nolle).
Once that happened, the federal complaint was also dropped.
This happened in 2023.
If you have a fact-based case and you feel like your attorney is not digging deeply into it, please reach out to me via my Contacts page.